a heartfelt hello
thanks so much for being my friend
you are beautiful.
entries i have written:
- Turn Off Gravity - a silly story written for wanderer's station 2019.
- An Attempt To Retrieve A Forgotten Tome - a present for my dear friend Rounderhouse celebrating the completion of his first 001 proposal over on the scp wiki.
- A Love Letter - a story that relies on knowledge from the scp wiki.
- Leaving Havana - the story of me leaving my first home. written for scavenger hunt 2021.
- Aliens In America - the story of me trying to communicate in my second home. written for scavenger hunt 2021.
- Letter Found After A Credit Card Purchase - the story of a letter i wish i were strong enough to write. written for scavenger hunt 2021.
- Cornelius The Goat Slayer - a yuletide present for Tstaffor, about her silly little corn gremlin from the scp wiki.
- Mima - a story of silver linings, written for debatecon 2023.
- The Blue Danube - a story of loss and the feelings that come with it.
- happy birthday mima - a story of melancholy written to celebrate the birthday of one long gone.
here are links to my author pages in various other wanderer's library/scp-adjacent spaces:
i also have a kofi, so if you enjoyed my works and want to donate any amount, it would certainly be appreciated.
“What do dogs do on their day off?; Can't lie around – that's their job!” - George Carlin