Wanderers Depths Contest
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To participate in the Wanderers' Depths writing contest!


Imagine yourself floating on an open sea…There's no land on the horizon, only the endless lapping of blue-green waves upon your buoyant self.

There's a ship approaching. On it, there is a band of pirates. For a moment, you're worried they'll make you walk the plank, but what's that going to do—put you back on the water? No big worry.

Passing you by, the ship seems to be full of merry seamen. You're happy for them. They seem to be having a good time between raiding and pillaging. You wish them well as they go along their way.

Now, as they shrink on the horizon, there's a seagull circling you. It wants food. Shaking your head, you direct it to the ship of pirates. Maybe they can be friends.

Beneath you, a shark emerges from the depths. It's a nurse shark, and she wants to take your temperature. You allow it. The reading shows that you're very chill. Now that's something everybody can enjoy.

This is all on the surface, but there are endless stories to be told on or below the high seas.

Rules and Friendly Guidelines

Ahoy, me hearty Wanderers! The Library Crew has noticed an ever-increasing and mildly distressing amount of land-based articles: Whether it entails sneaking through the shelves or runnin' through the streets, plenty o' recent stories have been drained of any waterlogged potential. Well the end is nigh fer this! The 2020 Maritime Contest—The Wanderers' Depths—is an individual writing contest based on works that take place on or under the Seven Seas (or anything related to the Maritime). Anyone can participate, as long as you promise to have fun!

Write about it with the help of the prompts below, and tag your story with 'wd2020'. You can post starting today, April 10, until a few weeks from now, on May 7.

Once the posting period is over, we'll let people read and let you know how they feel with votes and comments until May 7. The winner is whoever has the most upvotes on their entry by May 7, and their prize is to pick the article featured on the front page for the month. The winner will be announced May 8.

Contest Rules



Entries, Ranked
Ranking Entry Rating Author
👑1 Cave Story +29 Lt Flops
🎀2 How the Ocean Came to Burn +17 Tufto
💎3 Quiet, Uneventful Affairs +17 UncertaintyCrossing
4 Deeper +16 Communism will win
5 Mermaid Teeth +16 Henzoid
6 Bladefish +15 Zero_Consistency
7 Unseen Things +15 Almarduk
8 Stuck +13 stop1010
9 Calypso Rides Her Catamaran +12 Luvview
10 An Ode to Babashe +12 Zebby Fresh
11 A Deeper Truth +11 Hexick
12 Pontus Euxinus +11 Akhlys
13 A Tale of Taniwha +10 OriCat
14 The Kraken's Crackin' +9 Reasonably Psychotic
15 A Rising Wave +9 GuesssWho
16 Prodigal +8 OriCat
17 Marigold Sailors +7 BIRDCHURCH
18 Children of Nergul, Volume IX +6 Trar
19 Palaemon +6 Din-Bidor
20 Tâmtu-me-šara +6 OriCat
21 The Sea Sings of Hunger +6 Percevale
22 Ten Billion Sushi Dinners +6 Thick Soup
23 The Mist is Hostile +5 Marcelles_Raynes does not match any existing user name
24 Twelfth of Ater +3 Akhlys
25 Survival +3 Kothardarastrix
26 At the End o' the Sea +3 Its a Bad Idea
27 Sailing Through The Cursed Forest +3 Joll
28 Apate +2 morrel
29 Seeing Stars +2 Sudough Nimm
30 The Inlet at Aulis +1 OriCat
31 The Forsaken Gods' Vacation +1 TheFrigidBagel does not match any existing user name
32 All Aboard the Cyclops +1 Doorhandle

Entries, Randomized

Seeing Stars, told by Sudough Nimm

Quiet, Uneventful Affairs, told by UncertaintyCrossing

A Tale of Taniwha, told by (user deleted)

Bladefish, told by Zero_Consistency

Deeper, told by Communism will win

Tâmtu-me-šara, told by (user deleted)

Palaemon, told by Din-Bidor

Cave Story, told by Lt Flops

A Rising Wave, told by GuesssWho

Mermaid Teeth, told by Henzoid

The Inlet at Aulis, told by (user deleted)

Apate, told by morrel

Twelfth of Ater, told by Akhlys

Unseen Things, told by Almarduk

An Ode to Babashe, told by Zebby Fresh

The Kraken's Crackin', told by Reasonably Psychotic

Ten Billion Sushi Dinners, told by Thick Soup

Pontus Euxinus, told by Akhlys

How the Ocean Came to Burn, told by Tufto

Survival, told by Kothardarastrix

Prodigal, told by (user deleted)

Marigold Sailors, told by BIRDCHURCH

Calypso Rides Her Catamaran, told by Luvview

At the End o' the Sea, told by Its a Bad Idea

Stuck, told by stop1010

A Deeper Truth, told by Hexick

The Sea Sings of Hunger, told by Percevale

The Mist is Hostile, told by Marceline_Raynes

All Aboard the Cyclops, told by Doorhandle

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